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ZSFM series diaphragm raining valve consists of main valve, hydraulic warn-bell, pressure switch, manual ball valve, solenoid valve, three-way ball valve, needle valve and control pipeline and, equipped with an opened shower, water curtain shower, closed shower and fire warning control system, can form the corresponding water sprayed fog fire extinguishing system, It features a simple structure, easy, safe and reliable operation, convenient installation and maintenance In case of a fire, the valve is opened, together with the opened shower, to automatically spray water to extinguish it, not only turning off the fire source but also automatically spraying water onto the whole protected area so as to prevent the fire from extending, Suitable for the building and playground easy to iced or required to be seriously proteeted and of a big fire danger. 結構及用途STRUCTURE AND PURPOSE ZSFM系列隔膜雨淋閥主閥采用隔膜將主閥分為上下兩腔,上腔為控制腔。利用上下腔面積差產生水壓力實現主閥密封。未失火時,三通球閥手柄向下,針閥、檢修球閥、末端球閥為開啟狀態,電磁閥、手動球閥、排放球閥為開閉狀態,壓力表1灰進口壓力,壓力表2為0. 此時主閥為關閉狀態。失火時,有三種控制方式控制主閥開啟滅火。主閥開啟后,壓力進入壓力開關盒水力警鈴,水力警鈴發出警聲;壓力開關向控制中心發出信號或開啟消防泵。隔膜雨淋閥具有防復位結構,主閥開啟10﹪后防復位裝置自動啟動,防止由于誤操作使主閥回位。滅火后,切斷傳動管網,關閉電磁閥。、手動球閥和末端球閥即可關閉主閥。 結構合理、美觀:雨淋閥控制管線選用優質銅管,合理配置控制元件,使控制閥門簡單,明了。 控制、操作方便、可靠:三種控制方式確保主閥開啟,且三種控制方式中任一種控制方式均能開啟主閥。 內置 防復位裝置:防復位裝置內簡化了控制配管。防復位裝置的啟動由主閥自動控制,復位操作簡單。 The main valve of ZSFM series diaphragm raining valve divides itself into upper and lower two cavities, the upper one is the control cavity, and utilizes/the are difference between the cavities to produce water pressure to realize sealing of it, when there is no fire, the tee ball valve’s handle is downward ,the needle valve, overhaul ball valve are opened, the solenoid valve, manual ball valve and drainage ball valve are closed, the pressure gauge 1 shows the inlet pressure and the pressure gauge 2 shows zero. The main valve is closed then, There are three control modes, in case of a fire, to control the main valve to be opened to put out the fire ,After the main valve is opened, pressure steps into both pressure switch and hydraulic warn-bell, the latter sends out a warning sound and the former sends out a signal to the control center or to open the fire-fighting pump, This valve is of a reset resisting structure, which automatically opens after the main valve is opened by 10﹪to prevent it from reset due to wrong operation, After the fire is put, the main valve can be closed just by cutting off the driving pipe network, closing the solenoid valve, manual ball and final-end valve. 結構簡圖BRIEF FIGURE OF STRUCTURE 主要零件及材質MATERIALS OF MAIN PARTS
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